Here we start. ‘Thoughtful Examinations’ is about life, knowledge, and happiness. It’s about numbers, rationality, and perspectives. I welcome you to the experience.
The Life of Chances
Probability, the mathematics of chances, is tightly woven into the fabric of life. Our existence started, evolved, and was nurtured by countless unlikely events – some are linked, some are not. We all studied the subject at school, the endless tossing of coins! Yet, it’s rarely applied in life. We will see the subject of probability and statistics as a recurring theme of my posts.
The Gates of Knowledge are Open
The gates have been crashed; the doors are open. The Tree of Knowledge is no longer hidden from your sight. The internet has made access to knowledge to each one of us. The democratization of knowledge is complete! Remember chances: yes, the chances that you reach your goals are better than ever before.
The Happiness Project
This page is for all who enjoy learning new things or getting new perspectives. This piece is for people confused by the volume of information out in public, finding it hard to separate the truth from the sea of junk. This one is a happiness project.

Once again, welcome to this journey. I offer whatever that I can to make it enjoyable. Remember: life is about chances, rationality, and decision-making.