Two-Sample Poisson Test

Two batches of products have come from a factory with the following defect counts. Find out whether one batch made fewer defects than the other batch.

Total number of samples = 30 each
Rate occurrences = 107/30 = 3.56 and 161/30 = 5.36

poisson.test(c(107, 161), c(30, 30))
Comparison of Poisson rates

data:  c(sum(r_data$Supplier.1), sum(r_data$Supplier.2)) time base: c(30, 30)
count1 = 107, expected count1 = 134, p-value = 0.001166
alternative hypothesis: true rate ratio is not equal to 1
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.5155166 0.8539201
sample estimates:
rate ratio 

There is a difference between the two batches of samples.

Comparing Hypothesis Tests for Continuous, Binary, and Count Data: Statistics by Jim