If one must make a random Norepeatword from the 26 alphabets, what is the probability of picking a work with all 26 letters? A Norepeatword is an assemblage of any number of alphabets (1 to 26) such that no letter is repeated. Let’s do the problem step by step.
- Number of 26 letter words: there are 26! words possible from 26 letters.
- Number of k-letter words (k = 1 to 26): It has two parts: A) how many k-letter words are possible from 26 and B) how many rearrangements are possible for each.
A) 26Ck collections can be made from 26 letters with k letters.
B) For each collection, k! rearrangements are possible.
Therefore, the number of k-letter Norepeatwords is 26Ck x k!, and the total is obtained by summing from k = 1 to k = 26.
The required probability is:
The denominator of the equation is the famous Taylor series expansion of ex for x = 1.
ex = 1 + x + x2/2! + …
So, P = 1/e