Parametric vs Non-Parametric Tests

In many statistical inference tests, you may have noticed an inherent assumption that the sample has been taken from a distribution (e.g. normal distribution). Well, those people are performing a parametric test. A non-parametric test doesn’t assume any distribution for its sample (means).

The parametric tests for means include t-tests (1-sample, 2-sample, paired), ANOVA, etc. On the other hand, the sign test is an example of a non-parametric test. A sign test can test a population median against a hypothesised value.

A few advantages of non-parametric tests include:

  1. Assumptions about the population are not necessary.
  2. It is more intuitive and does not require much statistical knowledge.
  3. It can analyse ordinal data, ranked data, and outliers
  4. It can be used even for small samples.
  5. Ideal type, if the median is a better measure.

Following are the typical parametric tests and the analogous non-parametric ones.

Parametric testsNonparametric tests
One sampleOne sample tSign test
Wilcoxon’s signed rank
Two samplePaired t Sign test
Wilcoxon’s signed rank 
Unpaired tMann-Whitney test
Kolmorogov-Smirnov test
K-sampleANOVAKruskal-Wallis test
Jonckheer test
2-way ANOVAFriedman test


Nonparametric Tests vs. Parametric Tests: Statistics By Jim

Non-parametric tests: zedstatistics

Nonparametric statistical tests for the continuous data: Korean J Anesthesiol