Goodness of Fit using tigerstats

We have seen how the R package ‘tigerstats’ can help visualise basic statistics. The library has several functions and datasets to teach statistics at an elementary level. We will see a couple of them that enable hypothesis testing.

chi-square test

We start with a test for Independence using the chi-square test. The example is the same as we used previously. Here, we create the database with the following summary.

High SchoolBachelorsMastersPh.d.Total

The function to use is ‘chisqtestGC’, which takes two variables (~var1 + var2) to test their association. Additional attributes such as graph and verbose yield the relevant graph (ch-square curve) for the P-value and details of the output.

chisqtestGC(~EDU+SEX, data=educ, graph = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
Pearson's Chi-squared test 

Observed Counts:
EDU           Female Male
  Bachelors       54   44
  High School     60   40
  Masters         46   53
  Ph.d.           41   57

Counts Expected by Null:
EDU           Female  Male
  Bachelors    49.87 48.13
  High School  50.89 49.11
  Masters      50.38 48.62
  Ph.d.        49.87 48.13

Contributions to the chi-square statistic:
EDU           Female Male
  Bachelors     0.34 0.35
  High School   1.63 1.69
  Masters       0.38 0.39
  Ph.d.         1.58 1.63

Chi-Square Statistic = 8.0061 
Degrees of Freedom of the table = 3 
P-Value = 0.0459 

Binomial test for proportion

Suppose a coin toss landed on 40 heads in 100 attempts. Perform a two-sided hypothesis test for p = 0.5 as the Null.

binomtestGC(x=40,n=100,p=0.5, alternative = "two.sided", graph = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95)

x = variable under study
n = size of the sample
p = Null Hypothesis value for population proportion
alternative = takes “two.sided”, “less” or “greater” for the computation of the p-value.
conf.level = number between 0 and 1, indicating the confidence interval
graph = If TRUE, plot graph of p-value

Exact Binomial Procedures for a Single Proportion p:
	Results based on Summary Data

Descriptive Results:  40 successes in 100 trials

Inferential Results:

Estimate of p:	 0.4 
SE(p.hat):	 0.049 

95% Confidence Interval for p:

          lower.bound         upper.bound          
          0.303295            0.502791             

Test of Significance:

	H_0:  p = 0.5 
	H_a:  p != 0.5 

	P-value:		P = 0.0569 
binomtestGC(x=40,n=100,p=0.5, alternative = "less", graph = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95)
Exact Binomial Procedures for a Single Proportion p:
	Results based on Summary Data

Descriptive Results:  40 successes in 100 trials

Inferential Results:

Estimate of p:	 0.4 
SE(p.hat):	 0.049 

95% Confidence Interval for p:

          lower.bound         upper.bound          
          0.000000            0.487024             

Test of Significance:

	H_0:  p = 0.5 
	H_a:  p < 0.5 

	P-value:		P = 0.0284