Average Temperature in Jakarta

The average temperature in June in Jakarta is 32 oC with a standard deviation of 5 oC. If the temperature in June follows a normal distribution:

  1. What is the probability of observing higher than 40 oC on a random June day in Jakarta?
1 - pnorm(40, mean = 32, sd = 5)

Let’s estimate the same thing using the ‘pnormGC’ of ‘tigerstats’ package.

pnormGC(40, mean = 32, region = "above", sd= 5, graph = TRUE)

2. How cold are the coldest 10% days in June in Jakarta?

 qnorm(0.10, mean = 32, sd = 5)
 pnormGC(25.59224, mean = 32, region = "below", sd= 5, graph = TRUE)