Bargaining Theory: Outside Options and Value of Information

We have seen one type of ultimatum game where the player who receives the offer (Annie) has another option outside the one in the game. Those options are a weak type (0.25) or a strong type (0.5) and depend on a probability p in favour of the former.

Now, imagine Becky knows Annie’s outside option (0.25 vs 0.5). In that case, Becky will make 0.25 p times and 0.5 (1-p) times to get her offer accepted.

If p < 2/3

Becky will offer 0.25 (2/3)rd of the time and 0.5 (1/3)rd of the time. Her expected value of surplus in the case of complete information is
p x (0.75) + (1-p) x (0.5)
Note that in the case of incomplete information, she would have offered 0.5 all the time, leading to the expected value
p x (0.5) + (1-p) x 0
The difference between the two [p x (0.75) + (1-p) x (0.5) – p x (0.5)] is 0.25p. It is the value of information.

If p > 2/3

In the case of complete information, Becky will offer 0.5 (2/3)rd of the time and 0.25 (1/3)rd of the time. Her expected value of surplus is
p x (0.75) + (1-p) x (0.5)
Note that in the case of incomplete information, she would have offered 0.25 all the time, leading to the expected value
p x (0.75) + (1-p) x 0
The difference between the two [p x (0.75) + (1-p) x (0.5) – p x (0.75)] is 0.5(1-p). It is the value of information.

Bargaining 101 (#24): William Spaniel