Red Herring Fallacy

It is a logical fallacy used in debates to distract the argument by introducing an irrelevant topic, usually loaded with emotions, into the discussion to divert the opponent.

The name comes from an old method of training dogs in fox hunting. In this process, before the dog (to be trained) leaves in search of the fox that just left by following the scent, the trainer drags a bag of smelly red herrings on the trail. Some dogs will get distracted by the strong smell of the fish and stop following the fox. The trainer then tries and keep the dogs to stay on course.

How is the red herring different from the straw figure fallacy? In some aspects, they seem similar. In the latter case, the original argument is distorted or misrepresented, and the new subject becomes the target. But in the former case, the initial point is completely ignored and is substituted with a new one, which gets attacked.